Downtown Revitalization Study

Photo: Courtesy of Nogales Community Development

What is the Downtown Revitalization Study?

In partnership with the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) awarded Technical Assistance Support to conduct a Downtown Revitalization Study as part of the broader federal process being carried out by GSA to modernize the DeConcini Port of Entry.

The Downtown Revitalization Study is designed to help the community leverage the anticipated federal investment at the DeConcini Port of Entry.  The study is an opportunity for the community to define a vision for the future.  This vision can include future initiatives or projects that will help ensure  sustainable growth and enhance quality-of-life for Nogales. The process will also help inform GSA’s strategy for the port modernization and identify federal and other resources to help fund the community implementation of its vision.

Similar studies have been completed in San Luis and Douglas that have addressed downtown revitalization, multimodal transportation connectivity, and economic development. The corresponding studies can be found below.

The EPA has hired Renaissance Planning to carry out the study and prepare the final report.  The Greater Nogales Santa Cruz County Port Authority has partnered with the EPA and GSA to support the stakeholder outreach efforts throughout the study.

This study will be one of several opportunities for the community to share their thoughts, questions, and general feedback in what will be a multi-year process for the future of Nogales and the DeConcini Port of Entry.


What is the GSA Feasibility Study?

The U.S. General Services Administration is currently conducting a Feasibility Study for the modernization of the DeConcini Port of Entry that will determine any changes to the footprint of the port, provide a conceptual design for the modernized facility, and include an estimated project cost. This is a federal-only process, and the final report will not be released to the public.

The following articles provide additional information:

Survey Results

As part of the community outreach effort, the Port Authority prepared and distributed an online public survey that was available for approximately 3 weeks in late July 2024 to early August 2024. The survey gathered 456 responses and the questions were intended to understand the public’s cross-border experience, their motivations for crossing the border, and their vision for the future of Nogales.

Stakeholder Partners*

  • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Community Revitalization and Region 9

  • U.S. General Services Administration - Region 9

  • Greater Nogales Santa Cruz County Port Authority

    • City of Nogales, AZ

    • Santa Cruz County AZ

    • INDEX Nogales

    • Nogales U.S. Customhouse Brokers Association

    • Nogales-SCC Economic Development Foundation

    • Fresh Produce Association of the Americas

    • Santa Cruz Mining Cluster

    • Nogales Community Development Corporation

    • Nogales-Santa Cruz County Chamber of Commerce

  • SouthEast Arizona Governments Organization (SEAGO)

  • Arizona Department of Transportation

*This an initial list and subject to change.